Theory and practice


My name is Wu, I am a very very ancient Chinese doctor.

I want to help you know yourself and become healthy.

To do this, you need to know your nature.

I will help, just be honest and thoughtful about my questions.


To everyone around me, I look like a person, but in truth, I'm built like this scheme.

5 elements, symbolically mean 5 phases of energy movement, containment and support systems must be in harmony.

Then I am healthy and happy.

You can do it too, I can help!

Personality test

Man is Nature

Any attempt to separate them is fraught with catastrophic consequences. The concept of U-Sin (5 elements) is perhaps one of the most successful attempts to unite together that which, by the very fact of existence in this world, is primordially and certainly one.

Mastering the theory and practice of U-Sin will open up unlimited possibilities for you to manage your health, emotional state and self-realization, since from now on you will live and prosper together and at one with nature, with all the visible and invisible part of the Universe.

I can say with confidence: if you don’t consider it hard and take a few minutes (or maybe hours) to understand this most curious concept, then small, but miracles will begin to happen in many areas of your life.

Personality test

Yin Yang

I have an older friend, his name is Yin-Yang. 2 parts of the whole, symbolize the interaction of extreme opposites: light and darkness, day and night, sun and moon, sky and earth, heat and cold, positive and negative, even and odd

I will use this knowledge to help you!

Ba Gua

I have a younger friend, his name is Ba Gua. Maybe you know it as a compass for Feng Shui?

In feng shui, ba is used to stabilize, protect, correct or restore balance in life by analyzing or structuring any given space.

Man is also space!

I will use this too!


Ancient knowledge has been developed from generation to generation and has helped many people, modern rhythms and technologies have given us many opportunities and at the same time alienated us from ourselves.

My task is to help you simply and quickly learn to listen to your Nature, as well as to become more independent in relation to your Life.

Any disharmony is stress, and then pain - physical, mental, spiritual. I will tell you what and how to do to harmonize the inner Nature and you will study yourself!

Personality test

How the program works

  • 1

    Based on the answers to the questions, an electronic diagnostician will give a possible imbalance of your Nature.

  • 2

    The system of recommendations will let you know what and how you can do on your own to improve your well-being.

  • 3

    The feedback system will help me understand you.

  • 4

    The state analysis system will help you understand yourself.

  • 5

    The hive mind system will give you the support of your friends.


Healthy nutrition throughout life contributes to the prevention of health in all its forms. However, the rise in processed foods, rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to a shift in eating patterns. Nowadays, people are consuming more foods that are high in calories, fat, free sugars, and salt/sodium, and many people are not consuming enough fruits, vegetables, and other types of fiber, such as whole grains.

The exact composition of a varied, balanced and healthy diet depends on individual characteristics (such as age, gender, lifestyle and degree of physical activity), cultural context, local foods available and dietary customs. However, the basic principles of a healthy diet remain the same.

Personality test


Qigong is a holistic system aimed at achieving and maintaining health. It includes gymnastics, breathing exercises and meditation practices.

Qigong includes simple postures and movements that, unlike yoga asanas, do not require good stretching and joint mobility. On the contrary, they can be limited.

The dynamic part includes body turns, tilts, squats, arm movements. By raising the arms, the spine is stretched and aligned. Side-to-side twists and bends develop back flexibility.

In general, qigong gently warms up the body without particularly straining the muscles, and various pats help to better disperse the blood.

Because the movements are fluid and deliberate, qigong is suitable for people of all ages and skill levels. Gymnastics has practically no contraindications


Acupressure is an ancient healing art based on the practice of acupuncture that came to us from traditional Chinese medicine. With acupressure, pressure is applied to certain points of the body. Such points are called acupuncture points. Massage of these points helps relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation. It also helps alleviate many of the side effects of chemotherapy.

You can do acupressure at home by applying pressure to various acupuncture points with your fingers.


Physicians of ancient China considered "a measured way of life" as an important condition for longevity. Those who care about health plan their work and rest on a scientific basis, in accordance with the change of seasons, consciously following the natural course of things in nature. Properly organized daily life ensures the strengthening of vital energy in the kidneys, preserves health, and enhances the body's resistance. An unsettled life can be detrimental to health, shorten the life of the body, and lead to premature aging of the skin. There must be a proper balance between work and leisure. This applies to both physical and mental labor. The concepts of work and rest are quite relative, and there is no rigid and clear boundary between them. Those who are engaged in physical labor, as a rest after work, can read a book or newspaper, while knowledge workers after work (as a rest) should give themselves physical activity. For them, this will be a vacation. Anyone can benefit from physical exercise and recreation by playing some kind of ball game or chess, participating in amateur concerts or theatrical productions. The right balance between work and leisure is essential for maintaining good health.

Too much of one thing can be bad for your health.


In psychology, there is such a term as "AUTOMATIC WAY". This is the path from the beginning of the sound to the result, which is achieved by irritation of one or more nerve centers of the brain. Every word, piece of music, or just sound has its own auditory pathways. Accordingly, sounds different in frequency, rhythm, timbre, vibration affect a person in different ways, because this is directly related to the rhythms of the brain.

Feng Shui

To harmonize your surrounding space, to improve any segment of life, including Health and Welfare, there is an excellent teaching - this is Feng Shui. The word Feng Shui literally means “wind and water”.

This art originated in ancient China, and for many centuries was the prerogative of only the ruling class and the richest people. For a long time for ordinary people, the teachings of Feng Shui were inaccessible. But in our time, this is a magnificent art of harmonizing life, absolutely anyone can practice it.


In the philosophy and practice of Feng Shui, aromatherapy at home occupies a special place. And even though the smells hovering around us are intangible, they are constantly present in our energy space, making their own adjustments and changes. Repeatedly, each of us noticed that when we come home, our mood changes, forces and opportunities become more active, and this is no accident. Even a folk proverb says that “houses and walls help”, but, as it turns out, not only walls, but also a native, familiar aroma for us. After all, the body of each person has its own individual smell, peculiar only to him alone. Therefore, fragrances are a kind of energies, and not being able to touch or see them does not make them any less weak and ineffective. Smells, just like amulets, can activate some types of energy and "slow down" others.

“The Feng Shui teaching uses aromatherapy as a tool with which you can coordinate energy flows, activate Bagua priority sectors or “mute” the action of excessively intense energy flows, and generally establish harmony in the house. Of course, at first glance it may seem strange and unusual, but aromatherapy at home helps not only to organize comfort, but also to establish relationships in the family. And this is a kind of investment, which will then pay off handsomely and will favorably affect the harmonious interaction of all vital spheres. In addition to the positive emotions that aromatherapy gives us, incense is also very beneficial for health, so their use has a doubly beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.


The term "affirmation" is used both in scientific and pseudoscientific (esoteric) literature. The success of using the technique depends on a competent approach, as well as self-esteem.

In popular psychological literature, it is believed that with repeated repetition of a positive statement (affirmation), the subconscious mind fixes the required image or attitude, helping to improve the psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in life.


Meditation is about observing yourself and your thoughts. This is a conscious experience of them, the ability to separate oneself from the emotional component and not to identify with one's thoughts. Therefore, in conditions of any chronic stress, and all people living in the metropolis are in them, this practice is very important. It helps us for a while, in simple terms, to give our brain a rest. Stop the thought background it generates.

Or to disidentify with this background and just observe it. It helps to relax, focus, improve concentration and attention, relax the nervous system, allow you to calm down and focus.


  • Don't be afraid, be honest with yourself
  • Don't be stupid, take care of yourself
  • Consult with experts
  • Study information